No matter how good a grower you are, you still have to sell your fruit to make any money.


No matter how good a grower you are, you still have to sell your fruit to make any money. About 93% of the avocados grown in California are marketed through a relatively small number of Packers/Handlers. The major ones are listed below. If you want to market your own fruit, you might want to see the University of California Small Farm Center web site for some helpful ideas:

All avocados sold in California must be certified by the California Department of Food and Agriculture. To learn more about certification:

In addition, all avocados grown in California and sold must pay an assessment to California Avocado Commission and to the federal Hass Avocado Board. These mandatory assessments were established by a vote of the California growers for the benefit of the avocado industry. Contact the California Avocado Commission for more information:

NOTE: The California Avocado Society has no financial interest and is not involved in the packing and marketing of avocados, nor has any preference for any individual packer or packers.